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The Constitution is the Rule of Law on Illegal Immigration

While the Declaration of Independence establishes our God-given rights of, "life, liberty and the

pursuit of happiness, " the Constitution by the rule of law ensures that those rights are protected

even from the federal government.

When I posted the series the amnesty bill which thankfully failed in Congress was in full swing

and I felt it necessary to include in the series what the Framers and our Constitution established

on the hotbed issue of illegal immigration. Following is that post and in light of the legal and

the needed bill which is now law for the State of Arizona, knowing what our Constitution establishes

concerning immigration is even more prudent now than it was in 2007.

“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,

insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and

secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this

Constitution for the United States of America."*

Amendment 14, Section I - *All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to

the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside

Whenever a question arises concerning an important issue such as immigration, the best and

the most reliable source for finding what this Nation should do in solving any problem that we face

is to look to the Constitution.

While there are only two specific references in the Constitution to immigration, stated in this

most important of documents as, *naturalization, " there is clear evidence by the Framers as to

what they intended concerning the rights of the people who live in this country and how those

rights affect immigrants both legal and illegal.

The two references in the Constitution that specifically mention, *naturalization, * are found in

Article 1, Section 8 in creating the authority of the Congress, "To establish a uniform Rule of

Naturalization." Thus from a Constitutional standpoint, it is the responsibility of Congress to

establish all laws and rules of naturalization or immigration.

The second reference is located in the 14th Amendment shown above stating, "All persons

born or naturalized in the United States," are, *citizens of the United States and of the State

wherein they reside."

The key thought in the 14th Amendment which along with several other provisions established in

the Constitution shows that the intent of the Framers was that only citizens of the United States

whether born or naturalized are granted the rights and privileges that are available in America. 

While Congress has the Constitutional authority to establish laws of naturalization or

immigration they do not have a true Constitutional authority to create blanket legislation that

allows non-citizens the rights of born or naturalized Americans. In other words, amnesty is

technically unconstitutional because it bypasses the laws which are established for immigrants lo

become American citizens.

The beginning of the Preamble of the Constitution states clearly who gives authority to the

government and in whom the rights established in the Constitution belong and they are," We

the People of the United States,

The Framers clearly show that the laws governing this country as established in the Constitution

and the rights that are available are for citizens of this land. Even the very Representation in our

government from the President to the Congress are established that eligibility to hold public

the office is reserved for citizens only with the President required to be a natural-born citizen of 

The United States and not a naturalized citizen.

"Throughout the Constitution, our rights are continually shown to be for citizens of the country

even when the word citizen is not specifically mentioned. The Preamble calls the establishment

of the Constitution by, "We the people,

." clearly indicates that each of the rights and privileges

as recorded by the Framers are for the citizenry of this country only.

This does not mean that those who immigrate legally to The United States are treated as second

class people or that the laws that protect our citizens whether civil or criminal do not afford the

same protections and freedoms to all whether citizens or legal immigrants,

But the rights that we have to vote, to speak freely, to worship as we will, to keep and bear arms,

protection from illegal search and seizure, all are rights given by the authority of the people for the

people, the citizens of the land. It then is also established that any of these rights that may be

afforded or not afforded to non-citizens are given ONLY by the authority of the people of 

The United States.

Article Credit: Kim Taylor of the Liberal Lie and The Conservative Truth

© 2017 Men and Women for a Representative Democracy in America


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